Saturday 2 June 2012

An ode to Desperados

As the summer kicks in and the temperature rises, it's hard to really have much enthusiasm for food. The idea of standing over anything hot is incredibly unappealing, particularly when it's about 27 degrees at 8pm. Today was the first 'cold' day we've had this week, and even then the temperature barely dipped below 25.

With weather such as this - not that I'm complaining! - there's little incentive to cook anything that involves standing in a hot kitchen for too long. Salad has become the basis of pretty much every meal I've eaten this past week, including today's dinner.

But I'm not here to talk about my salad which was good, but nothing particularly special. No, what I'm writing about is the beer that has become my new best friend/worst enemy (delete as appropriate) and is standing just behind it.

Anybody who knows me will know that I've always preferred wine to beer, but there's something about Desperados that really, really appeals. Despite its Spanish name and obvious Mexican influence (flavoured with tequila and most often served with a wedge of lime), it's brewed in the Alsace region of France. I've always preferred Mexican-style beers, but usually I'd pick a Belgian wheat beer like Hoegaarden over a Corona if I absolutely had to have beer. However, when the weather is hot and you're looking for something that really refreshes you, I don't think you can beat Desperados. The lime that you really have to have with it stops it from tasting too bitter and makes it dangerously drinkable. It's something of a staple of the student fridge down here, and at the FISE (Festival International de Sport Extreme), I'm told there was a Desperados tent. That makes me regret not popping down to see what the buzz was about now that I've become a convert and have joined the ranks of Desperados fans.

I'd definitely recommend checking it out because it really is perfect in the summer. In the absence of Pimms - I'm devastated that it's going to be July before I get my first glass of that! - I think I've found my new summertime drink. Cheers to that.

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